Age-Appropriate Ear Protection

It is never too early to start protecting your child’s ears.  From the moment they’re born, infants are exposed to noise that can, and often does, damage their hearing.  That it why it is so important for you to provide your child with the best ear protection you can find.  Choosing the best protection for a small child can be challenging because small articles, such as ear plugs, can fall out of the ear canal and become choking hazards.  Take time to research your options before selecting age-appropriate ear protection for your child.

When you are ready to purchase something for your child that will protect his or her hearing, make sure that you get the right size.  Children, especially infants, have very small ear canals and adult ear protection devices simply won’t fit.  Also, the ear plugs you buy must have an airtight seal in order to provide total protection.  Some children even do better with ear muffs or with moldable ear plugs worn under an ear band. 

For children who are over the age of three, the Peltor company offers its Junior Ear Muffs for Kids.  Even smaller adults benefit from these ear muffs.  These muffs are great products and most children don’t mind wearing them at all.  As a child gets older, then ear plugs might be more appropriate because they are less noticeable.  If your child is a swimmer or needs ear protection during sleep, then it might be beneficial to use moldable silicone plugs.  These plugs are very comfortable to wear and work well in water.  There are also children’s ear plugs that can be washed and worn many times over. 

For children who play music or for concert-going teenagers, there are some special devices to help them also.  When your child wears musician’s ear plugs or a similar device, the volume is lowered but other sounds are not distorted.  They will be able to clearly hear the music they love without sustaining any hearing loss.

Ear protection for kids is absolutely essential.  By protecting their hearing now, they will enjoy a life free of hearing loss.  In the end, they will more than thank you for the care and concern you showed them while they were growing up in a “noisy” world.

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